21st - 27th November (ish)

Coming up this week... 

As the nights draw in and the weather gets colder, the youth work carries on regardless. Here is what is coming up in the next week...

Cell Groups 
Because of Cell Leaders training, only cells that meet on a Monday are happening this week. 

So that means: 

Year 7 Cell are meeting normal time, normal place, and are having a session on Equality. 
Year 8 Cell are meeting (at Caroline's house this week, not Emily's if you don't know where Caroline lives, Emily will be waiting at hers, but make sure you are on time!) and having a session on Equality 
Year 9 Cell are meeting, same time, same place and are having a follow up session about Porn. 

No other cell groups are on this week, but they will be back next week! 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Today is Takeshi's castle night at younger Pathfinders and it is going to be amazing! I spent most of Thursday making whacking sticks for the occasion (be afraid, be very afraid). 

Next week (25th) we will be playing an old Friday Pathfinders classic 'Dark Games'!  

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Today at Older Pathfinders we are playing Takeshi's Castle meets Ninja Warrior!! (I have planned it now, and I still have no idea what it is, all I can say is I'm really looking forward to it).

Next week (25th) we are playing 'Dark Wide Games' (this is the last time I let you guys come up with the plans for what we are doing every week ;). 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on Psalm 38 this week and is going be lead by Olly and Angela. 

CYFA on like a billabong. We are carrying on our Bible series with Nick and Steve will be his 'lovely' assistant. 


I have, finally, set up Instagram. If you want to see some of the photos and videos that don't make it onto this blog, follow me here: 


If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

Consent forms!
No matter which group you are in, parents need to fill out one of these forms and make sure you get it to us as soon as possible. 


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