14th - 20th November

Coming up this week... 

I can't believe we are so far through November already! The main responses I had from people were that Friday was better for the blogs, so Fridays it shall be. Here is what is coming up in the next week...

Cell Groups 
Next week Year 7, 8, 9, 10 + 11 cell will be doing a session on Porn and Year 12 and 13 cell will be doing a session on Equality.

Both will be pretty good discussions so come prepared!

All cells will be meeting as normal next week. Normal time, normal places. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Today the first Younger Pathfinders session back after our free dog trip. We will be having a 'Girls vs. Boys' night, with loads of different challenges.

Next week (18th) we will be bringing back a brilliant session for a few years ago based around Takeshi's castle.  

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Today at Older Pathfinders we will be playing some classic kids party games, complete with kids party refreshments!! 

Next week (18th) we will be playing Takeshi's meets Ninja Warrior (no idea what that is yet, but I'll let you know when we have planned it!!) 

Sunday Pathfinders
There is no Sunday Pathfinders this week as it is Remembrance Sunday. Church also starts at 10am this week instead of 10.45.  

There is no CYFA this week. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

Consent forms!
No matter which group you are in, parents need to fill out one of these forms and make sure you get it to us as soon as possible. 


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