28th Nov - 4th Dec

Coming up this week... The big news this week is that our youth weekend away date has now been sorted! Add that to all the Christmas excitement and I can barely even contain myself! Here is what is coming up in the next week... YOUTH. WEEKEND. AWAY. It is happening again and its going to be bigger than ever... (or at the very least, the same size) We have managed to sort the venue and date out after a bit of a delay. The weekend is going to be 10th-12th March. Put it in your diaries and tattoo it on your favourite arm. If you have never been to the weekend away and want to know about it, speak to someone who has been and they will tell you how amazing it is. Cell Groups All cells are back this week, normal times and normal spaces. Year 7 Cell are looking at identity and confidence. Y ear 8 Cell are having a second session on Equality Year 9 Cell ...