18th - 24th January 2016

Coming up this week...

Here's what we will be doing this week.

Cell Groups

The Cell groups will be continuing their study of the Gospel of Luke. Also the next cell celebration service is coming up shortly - it will be on 7th February at 6:00pm on the theme of love so put the date in your diarys! 

Friday Pathfinders

Unfortunately there will be no Pathfinders this week as the Church Hall will be closed. But come back next week for some sports on the brand new floor!

Not relevant to the theme, but here's a tortoise!

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA

Sunday Pathfinders will be on this week led by Olly and Beth, we will be continuing to study the Kingdom of God. CYFA will not be on this week.


There are still spaces for Soul Survivor and the Weekend Away, so get your forms in ASAP! If you want to find out more or get a form, speak to Beth or one of the other Leaders. The price for Soul Survivor goes up at the end of the month so don't forget to hand your form in!


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