11th to 17th January

Coming up this week...

We are back this week! Here's whats coming up...

Cell Groups

All Cell Groups start back this week and we will be beginning to look at the Gospel of Luke.

Friday Pathfinders

Friday Pathfinders is back this week with some team games and challenges!

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA

CYFA is back this week at the Page's house come along to Church to find out whats going to be happening this term! Sunday Pathfinders will also be on this week, we will be continuing to look at the the Kingdom of God.


There are still places at Soul Survivor and the Weekend Away so get your forms in ASAP! If you want to know more or get a form just talk to Beth or another leader.

24 hours of Prayer

This weekend the Church is having 24 hours of prayer. You just sign up for an hour and can either pray at home or go to the Church if you want to sign up there is a doodle poll here: :http://doodle.com/poll/i6iw99yfa2zuws4g it would be great to get as many people praying as possible!

Envision Gathering

As soon as the 24 hours of prayer finishes (4pm on Sunday) we have having a meeting in the Church Hall looking at the future for St Leonards in particular the 0-18s work so please come along!


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