11th - 17th January 2016

Coming up this week...

We hope everyone has had a fantastic Christmas and New Year! Here's is what we will be doing this week...

Cell Groups 

There will be no Cell Groups this week; we will be starting up again on the week beginning the 11th.

Unfortunately, Beth has misplaced the memory card with the photos
from the recent Cell Social, so here's one from 2014!

Friday Pathfinders

There will be no Friday Pathfinders this week, but will be starting again on the 15th where we will be doing some team games.
Sumo Wrestling from the inflatables "night" last summer. 

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA

Sunday Pathfinders will be on this week where they will be looking at the Kingdom of God. CYFA will start up again on the 17th. Also, CYFA is helping with refreshments this Sunday!


There are still places available for the Youth Weekend Away and Soul Survivor. If you are interested, speak to Beth in the office or at Church on Sunday's.


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