This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week...

Sorry for the lateness of this weeks blog I was quite tired yesterday after getting home at 2:30am! This Sunday there is a baptism service in Long Hanborough involving some of our young people. It would be great for people to go and support them.

Team Sweden!

Friday Pathfinders

Pathfinders is on this week as usual. The following week is the last one of term and we will be having our usual water fight and BBQ at the Pavillion.

Teaching them a classic Pathfinders game!

Cell Groups

Cell groups are back on this week for the penultimate session of the year. We will be having our usual end of year BBQ on 16th July - details will be coming soon.

Small group discussions

Sunday Pathfinders/ CYFA

Sunday Pathfinders and CYFA are not on this week but on 12th July we are going on a trip to Oxford to visit Christ Church Cathedral and have a picnic lunch and some games. I will try to get letters out ASAP!

Frank and Aidan played during a service

Soul Survivor

This weekend is Eynsham Carnival and Team Man will be helping to set up/ clear up on Saturday and do any odd jobs that need doing.


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