This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week...I hope you all had a great half term. Here's what coming up this week...
Cell Groups
Cell groups are all back on this week and some of you may have a special visitor (keep reading to find out more...)

Friday Pathfinders
This Friday is inflatables night! We have a bungee run and sumo suits and will also be having a cafe. Please remember to bring consent forms (if you haven't already given me one!) and some extra money to buy food. We will also be welcoming the year 6s to Pathfinders this week.
Last Years inflatables night
Sunday Pathfinders/ CYFA
Sunday Pathfinders is not on this week as it is an All Age Worship but we are doing the readings in Church (volunteers should know who they are!!!) CYFA is on 9:00 breakfast at the Page's and we will be discussing Forgiveness.

Soul Survivor
On Saturday we are running the cafe at the Eynsham community day (in the village hall) so please come along and buy some cake to help us raise money! We have lots more fundraising coming up with a BBQ on 13th June and a Quiz on 19th (more details will be in next weeks blog).

Some of you will know that last year Olly went to Sweden to help at a youth confirmation camp and a few of us are going at the end of this month. This week we have a couple of very special visitors from Sweden who may be going along to a few of the cell groups.


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