3rd December 2020

Hello! Thanks for joining us for this week's blog. And just like that, we're in December! 

As usual, here's your update for the week: 

I N   T H E   N E X T   W E E K 

We hope you managed to tune in to the St Leonard's service on Sunday. If so, you will have seen plenty of silliness and reflection about waiting from us! Shout out to Harry for being such a great sport! 

We had lots of entries into our text competition too but the winner was Naomi 🎉 here she is with her prize...

Because what's better than a narwhal toy to celebrate winning?

You can see Olly, Jonny and me in the service this week as well,  as we take on the All-Age slot again; this time focusing on endurance ...and it was certainly a test of endurance to get ready for it!

The service will start at 10.30am and you can find it on the church website. Let us know what you think... and watch out for another competition...

Next week cell groups will be back to normal! We enjoyed The Invitation event, but look forward to seeing you all back at usual times. We're also very excited that we'll be able to meet face-to-face again! This means cell groups will be either in the church (in which case, bring your face mask) or outside on the church land (in which case, wrap up warm and be prepared for the British weather!).

O T H E R   T H I N G S

There's all kinds of events happening at St Leonard's over the festive period and we'd love it if you could join us! For some of them, you need to book on so numbers are known in advance and we can ensure everybody is kept safe. 

Tomorrow and Saturday is the Tree Festival Trail so worth getting organised for that asap! It's also worth noting the Christingle service as there is a bag to collect with resources for everything you need to make your own alongside the Zoom service.

Above is a poster of everything that's happening, including QR codes to book on 🎄 We hope to see you there!

As a youth team, we have developed a feedback form for anything you might want to tell us - whether it's some constructive criticism or an idea you've had. So if you are feeling particularly inspired or want to have your say, you can do so by clicking here and filling out the form.

L A S T   B U T   N O T   L E A S T

There can be so much to focus on, be busy with and prepare for at this time of year. If you'd find it helpful to spend a little time each day considering Advent and all that is to come in Jesus at Christmas, members of St Leonard's and St Peter's congregation have been putting together little devotionals each morning until Christmas Eve. This year we're thinking about the theme, 'Comfort and Joy' and there's a scripture and carol to go alongside each day. 

If this sounds like something you would be interested in and you're not yet receiving the daily emails, please get in touch with one of us or email the church office (details on the St Leonard's website). You can also find them on our Instagram page. 

Thank you so much for joining us for this week's blog! Any questions or comments, feel free to get in touch with us on the details below.


Olly ~ youth.stleonards@gmail.com ~ 07539 747 237

Sarah ~ sarahstleonardsyouth@gmail.com ~ 07762 392 798

Jonny ~ jonnystleonardsyouth@gmail.com ~ 07762 392 773

Instagram ~ @stleonards_youth

Facebook ~ @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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