Hello! Thanks for joining us for this week's blog - the final one of 2020! Not quite the usual, but here's what's happening over Christmas at St Leonard's: C H R I S T M A S Wow, how can it be Christmas next week? Yet, here we are... Although the youth work has wound down for the term, there is plenty going on at St Leonard's church for you to get involved with. Of course, some of these events have already happened but be sure to book on and join in with the Carol Services, the Crib Hunt on Christmas Eve (spoiler: look out for Sarah...), Midnight Christmas Eve Communion and of course, the service on Christmas Day morning. L A S T B U T N O T L E A S T The three of us are taking a well-needed break over the Christmas period so we won't be around as much. If you do have any questions, comments or feedback for us, feel free to email or text us as usual - it may just be a little wait before we get back to you. Our contact details are all at the bott...