27th March - 2nd April

Coming up next week... 
Well we did it. One week completed in isolation, how is everyone? I have never been more productive. I hope people are adapting well and have enjoyed the online material, if you have any ideas on what we can do, please do get in touch. We are up for trying new methods. Finally, on behalf of all our Youthwork, we would like to extend our thanks to the all the key workers, teachers, NHS staff and our politicians all working exceptionally hard to keep us safe and we pray that they can feel God's presence throughout all their work!

Cell Groups
Zoom worked really well this week with some cells starting proper cell plans, whilst others had a social. This next week, all the cell groups will be completing another encountering God cell plan. 

Each call can last up to 40 minutes, so during that time we will discuss a bible passage or some questions, pray together and maybe even play a few games. To download please click here.

Due to doing things online now, we might be looking to alter some of the times of cell groups, each cell will be individually contacted either through your group chat, or through your parents via email!

Friday Pathfinders 
Will be canceled until further notice... however both Steven and I will be available to chat or give you creative one player game ideas using the contact details below!! Genuinely do get in touch on a Friday night if you are bored... we probably will be too. 

Sunday Pathfinders 
This Sunday the devotional plan is based around Jesus time in the wilderness. I will email this weeks plan to all in the Sunday pathfinder group, as well as this link here in the blog.

CYFA this is being conducted on a site called Padlet. It is an online discussion forum. Please do read the article which has been posted on the link below. It is written by Nick Page and is excellent, if he does say so himself! All 4 of us leaders will then be online from 11am on Sunday answering your questions/joining in discussions around the article!

Padlet links

Not only is there our Sunday Pathfinder material and CYFA session available  the church have produced an online service which will be available at 10:30 on Sunday morning. To download the devotional for Sunday Pathfinders this week, click here

If you need to contact us about anything, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539 747237 (Olly)
Phone: 07843 173751 (Dobbo)
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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