24th may - 31st jun

Coming up next week... Well that's all folks. Half term is upon us and its time for everybody to put their feet up and have a well deserved rest. Whatever you are doing, we hope you have a lovely time and we will see you in a weeks time. Although there is not a lot happening, please read to find out what is going on this Friday and Sunday. Cell Groups As it is half term there are no cell groups this week. But we have already been thinking about great topics for when you return. Cells will be back on the 3rd June. Younger Friday Pathfinders This week (24th May) Younger Friday Pathfinders is joining with the older group and it is Bake Off night. Brush up on your cake making skills and prepare to work as a team to create a cake good enough to impress our judges. Please arrive for 6:30 at the hall and we intend to finish around 8:45. As its half term there is no Friday Pathfinders next week (30th May) Please find the term rota...