5th -12th April
Coming up next week...
Younger and Older Friday Pathfinders
Who's feeling weary? Well, have we got good news for you... next week is the Easter Holidays!!! Yeah, you heard it here last! The Easter Holidays are almost upon us and I for one am excited. The only downside of all this holiday shenanigans is that we have a slight pause here at St. Leonard's Youth. Not for long though, and rest assured Steven and I will be beavering away like little fire-ants (love a good mixed animal metaphor) to get everything ready for next term when we come back.
Cell Groups
There will be no cell groups next week, nor the week after! So you can either go into hibernation or just wait for a bit, knowing we will be back soon. In the mean time, to fill that cell shaped hole in your life, why not enjoy some of the lovely photos below?
There will be no cell groups next week, nor the week after! So you can either go into hibernation or just wait for a bit, knowing we will be back soon. In the mean time, to fill that cell shaped hole in your life, why not enjoy some of the lovely photos below?
Younger and Older Friday Pathfinders
This week, (5th April) Younger Pathfinders and Older Friday Pathfinders are combining for a spot of Laser Kombat. Everyone who is going has signed up already so if you think you are coming but haven't told me or Steven, then let us know!!
See you there at 6.30pm!
Like cell, there is no Friday Pathfinders for the next 2 weeks so, to quote Elizabeth Bennet, we will see you on the flip side Gs...
See you there at 6.30pm!
Like cell, there is no Friday Pathfinders for the next 2 weeks so, to quote Elizabeth Bennet, we will see you on the flip side Gs...
Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week (7th April), being led by Ruth and Graham, and we will be continuing our series on the Lord's Prayer. Amen.
There is no CYFA this week but we will be back on the 21st!
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham

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