7th - 14th December

Coming up next week... 
Cell Groups are back, but (mostly) not as you know it Jim. Make sure you look below to find out what's happening. We also got a couple of deadlines coming up, namely booking tickets for the Cell Christmas Social and booking for the weekend away. So if you are wanting to come make sure you click (or tap, you know we are so 21st Century, seriously, who uses a mouse these days) the links below. In other news there will be more sweets than usual at both older and younger pathfinders and the vibe is staring to get a bit more Chirstmassy from here on out... 

Cell Christmas Social 2018
Roll up roll up, get your tickets to the event of the year. It's here, its happening, and we need to know how much pizza to order. So... if you are planning to come, please can you buy your tickets by this Monday (10th December). As an added incentive, the order in which people have bought their tickets will be the order in which they are allowed up for seconds and thirds!

If you have never been before, you are going it love it! The Cell Christmas Social is a big event where all the members of our different cells (and our cell leaders) get together in the church building to have Dominos and play games. All dressed in formal black tie(ish) attire. So dig out your smartest gear and get ready for the party of the year (I'm a poet and I didn't even know I could rhyme). 

This year we are having the social on Thursday 20th December at 7.30-9pm (that's the day before Barts breaks up). 

Tickets are £6.50 each (what a bargain) and you can get them from the link below: 

Book tickets to the event of the year

If you want a bit more information you can look at our Facebook event here: 

Cell Christmas Social Event Page

Cell Groups
After last weeks break, cell groups are back next week, but with a twist! For one week only...

Year 7, 8 & 9 Cell will all be joining up to create a mega cell. Meeting on Monday (10th Dec) at 7pm in the Music Room at the Ferrier's house and finishing at 8.30pm. 
Year 10 Cell will not be merging this time so they will be meeting at their normal time of 5.30pm on Monday and finishing at 7pm
Year 11 Cell won't be merging with anyone else either and will be meeting on Wednesday at 7.30 -8.45pm 
Year 12 & 13 Cell will be merging together, meeting on Friday after school at the Marks' house. 

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (7th December) its Willy Wonka night. If you like sweets and chocolate, this is the night to come to Pathfinders! 

Next week (14th December) it's going to be a Christmas special (and the last Friday Pathfinders of 2018!!). 

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (7th December) its film night. Make sure you bring any Christmas classic DVD's that you have, we will then vote on what we are going to watch! 

Next week (14th December) is our Christmas special. The fine details will be up to you but there will be a Christmas jumper competition. 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week. We are looking at Christmas again! Tis the season and all that. Olly and Ruth will be leading. 

Thera is no CYFA this week, but we are back on the 16th. 

Youth Weekend Away! 
On the 8th-10th March we are going on our yearly youth weekend away. If you have never been before, ask someone who has to tell you all about it... 

The deadline for getting your forms in is Monday (10th December). So, if you haven't got your forms in yet you can get them from here: 

Letter to young people and kit list 

Letter to parents with link to consent forms

Consent Form for Weekend Away

Soul Survivor! 
Not content with simply going on a youth weekend away, we are also heading off to Soul Survivor again this year. For anyone who hasn't heard, Soul Survivor summer festivals are stopping after over 20 years of amazing times. I think we will need to be quick this year as I suspect places will fill up fast, so I recommend getting forms and deposits in as soon as you can. For more information have a look at the letters below: 

Letter to young people and kit list 

Letter to parents with link to consent forms

Consent Form for Soul Survivor

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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