14th - 21st December

Coming up next week... 
This is it! The last official blog of 2018 and the last full week of youth work coming up! The biggest and best of the up and coming things is by far the Cell Christmas social, which Olly will have been badgering you about for weeks. Have a look below to find out what is happening. 

An apology 

I'd like to start this blog with an apology. Last weeks blog had bad information in it stating that the year 11 cell was going to be on Wednesday, which was wrong, it was on the Thursday. Sorry for the confusion it caused. The blog is supposed to be a place of reliable information, so I will try to make sure that nothing like that happens again - Olly. 

Cell Groups! 
There are no cell groups next week, because we are all getting together in the church for our Cell Christmas Social!!!! Monday is the absolute last day we can take any bookings, so if you are planning to come, but haven't booked your tickets yet (you know who you are) then get on it! 

It's been in the blog every week for the past 3 weeks but in case you missed out, here is all the information you need: 

"If you have never been before, you are going it love it! The Cell Christmas Social is a big event where all the members of our different cells (and our cell leaders) get together in the church building to have Dominos and play games. All dressed in formal black tie(ish) attire. So dig out your smartest gear and get ready for the party of the year (I'm a poet and I didn't even know I could rhyme). 

This year we are having the social on Thursday 20th December at 7-9pm (that's the day before Barts breaks up). 

Tickets are £6.50 each (what a bargain) and you can get them from the link below: 

Book tickets to the event of the year

If you want a bit more information you can look at our Facebook event here: 

Cell Christmas Social Event Page"

Younger Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (14th December) its our Friday Pathfinders Christmas special. We will be starting with a Christmas jumper competition, so make sure you are wearing a good one. Other than that, you will need you best eating, wrapping, decorating, sleighing and beard adding skills!! And possibly a bit of singing for good measure.  

Next week (21st December) there is no Friday Pathfinders (boo!) because it is the Christmas Holiday (Hooray)! 

Older Friday Pathfinders
Tonight (14th December) we are also going to be judging the best Christmas jumper and awarding a prize (that is distinctly unicorn shaped and squidgy) for the winner. We will then play some festive games to get us in the mood before finishing with an extended round of killer frisbee. 

For those who want to join, a group of us will also be heading over to the church to pray afterwards. 

Next week (21st December) there is no Friday Pathfinders (boo!) because it is the Christmas Holiday (Hooray)! 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week. We are doing our last session in our Christmas series (Ho, Ho Ho-sanna)!  Simon and Angela will be leading. 

CFYA is back this week for the last one of 2018. We are continuing our series on the gospel of Mark, looking at Mark 7 and think about 'that which defiles' (bleurgh!). Its being led by Olly (you lucky things) and Steve (sorry about that). 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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