14th - 21st December

Coming up next week... This is it! The last official blog of 2018 and the last full week of youth work coming up! The biggest and best of the up and coming things is by far the Cell Christmas social, which Olly will have been badgering you about for weeks. Have a look below to find out what is happening. An apology I'd like to start this blog with an apology. Last weeks blog had bad information in it stating that the year 11 cell was going to be on Wednesday, which was wrong, it was on the Thursday. Sorry for the confusion it caused. The blog is supposed to be a place of reliable information, so I will try to make sure that nothing like that happens again - Olly. Cell Groups! There are no cell groups next week, because we are all getting together in the church for our Cell Christmas Social!!!! Monday is the absolute last day we can take any bookings, so if you are planning to come, ...