20th July - 7th September

Coming up next week... Well, this is it. Its the end of the academic year and so there wont be any more regular blogs until September! I hope you have enjoyed the things we have done together this year and are looking forward to next year as much as I am. Below is a little bit of information about Soul Survivor, Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA, Cell Groups and as well as some pictures for you to enjoy from the year we have just had.... Soul Survivor If you or your child are coming to Soul Survivor with us this year then you should be expecting an email from us in the next week. The email will finalise travel plans and lay out how much you now need to pay to cover the cost of the trip (after fundraising). Keep a look out for that email and do please be in touch if you don't hear anything by Friday! Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA Our church is now in full summer mode, which means that there will be no Sunday Pathfinders o...