19th - 26th January

Coming up next week... 
Welcome one and all to the second blog of 2018. I hope everyone has enjoyed talking the trick stuff at cells over the last week, I certainly have. This week at younger pathfinders we will have a super time, older will be taking a dark turn and cell groups will doing their best to prepare for the forthcoming. Read below to find out more... 
Cell Groups 
Next week, all cell groups will start preparing for our Cell Celebration on Sunday the 4th February.

Year 7 Cell: will be preparing 2 prayer stations
Year 8 Cell: will be sorting creative response/reflection  
Year 9 Cell: will be preparing 2 prayer stations 
Year 10 Cell: will be preparing the talk
Year 11 Cell:will be preparing the welcome game 
Year 12 Cell: will be preparing 2 prayer stations

Year 13 Cell: will be preparing welcome and refreshments

Reminder: Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Wednesday (24th) next week at 8.15pm - 9.30pm.

Friday Pathfinders (Younger)
This week (19th Jan) we are having a 'Super Hero' night. Dressing up is not compulsory, but I can't guarantee that you wont get a great load of extra prizes for doing so. Come with your super skills honed and your secret identity on point. 

Next week (26th Jan) will be 'Dark Games'. We recommend wearing dark clothes and training in the art of stealth. 

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
This week (19th Jan) it's 'Dark Games' with never seen before, one of a kind, brand new game. It's called Dark Frisbee ball and its going to be great. Don't miss out...

Next week (26th Jan) is 'British night'. Come dress up as "britishly" as possible and ready to drink tea and do some queuing.

Sunday Pathfinders
This Sunday (21st Jan) is about Growing in Christ. It is being led by Olly and Graham. 

CYFA this back this week, its being led by Claire and is about Salvation by Grace. 

Bishop's youth forum
Anyone who has been in cell recently should have been given a consent form about a Youth Forum we are going to that is being run by the Bishop of Oxford. It sounds like it will be a brilliant event, so if you want to come but haven't had a consent form you can download one below. 

Consent form for Bishops Youth Forum

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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