13th - 20th October

Coming up next week... 
You may have to excuse a few (more) typos and spelling mistakes than normal. Hope, may have decided that 4.30am was wake up time and is now chattering merrily away next to me. This is our last proper week before half term, but its a goodie. We've got cell celebration, cell leaders training, and a winter BBQ. To find out more have a little read below... 
Cell Groups 
THIS SUNDAY (15th OCTOBER) 6pm is our Cell Celebration! If you have never been to a cell celebration before, now is your chance. Ask anyone who has been if you want to know more about what they are like. You'll be glad you did. 

If you are in a cell, please can you make sure you are there for 5.30pm to set everything up. 

Next week (after the cell celebration) there won't be any cell groups meeting, because our lovely leaders will be attending a training session. We will be back after half term though, raring and ready to go.   

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Tonight (13th October) its Dark Games. If you don't like having fun, or the dark then you might not like it. But if you are happy with both of those things, then get ready for a great night! 

Next week (20th October) will be Cafe Night. Remember to bring extra money for the delicious delicious food and be ready to relax and maybe give someone and unwanted makeover. 

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (13th Oct) its our winter BBQ extravaganza!! Why don't more people have BBQ's in the winter? Who know's but its time that BBQ's were broken free of their summery shackles and we at Older Friday Pathfinders are leading that revolution. Remember to bring extra money. All that delicious BBQ goodness doesn't come cheap (well, its still pretty cheap but more that £1). And dress up warm! 

Next week (20th Oct) is Bake Off Night. The TV show may have moved to channel 4 but our location remains the same... 

Sunday Pathfinders 
Sunday Pathfinders is on courage this week and is being led by Simon and Graham. Remember to bring your Pathfinders bibles.

CYFA is at the earlier time of 9am this week. We are meeting straight at the Page's house for a nice bit of breakfast and a session on prayer. I know, I know, it's early. But it will be worth it! 


We have lots of events coming up in the next year and we thought it would be useful to have a place where people can go and look at when they are. So:

1. Just at the side of every blog there is a little list of events that are coming up in the near future 

2. We now have our very own Facebook page. Click here to take a look at it. It has a list of all our events (you can even tell us you are planning on coming). You can contact us, ask us questions and soon, you will be able to download consent forms from there too! 

Soul Survivor
Next week I won't be putting this link on the blog, so download the consent forms now while you still can! 

Soul Survivor Consent Forms and letters

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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