7th - 14th April
Coming up this week...
NEXT WEEK IS THE EASTER HOLIDAYS. Well done everyone, we made it this far. Almost everyone involved in the youth work seems sleepy at the moment, so hopefully this little break will give people chance to catch up on their sleep! Here is what is coming up for the next couple of weeks...
Cell Groups
There wont be any cell groups this week, or the week after. But there WILL be cell groups immediately after the easter hols (w/c 24th April). Even the cell groups that are on that Monday (which is an inset day). That isn't our normal pattern but otherwise Monday cells would have a reaaaaaally long break before we met back again.
The Thursday after the Easter holidays (27th April) at 8pm we will be having another parents evening or people who are parents of cell members.
The Thursday after the Easter holidays (27th April) at 8pm we will be having another parents evening or people who are parents of cell members.
Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Tonight (7th April) is 'Café night' so bring extra money for food and get read for plenty of time spent painting nails, getting beaten by Olly at table tennis, getting beaten by Olly at pool etc.
After this week there wont be another Pathfinders until 5th May (the next two weeks is the Easter holidays, then the week after that we are having a leaders meeting to plan more exciting things for next term)!! So make sure you cram in as much pathfindery fun as possible tonight.
After this week there wont be another Pathfinders until 5th May (the next two weeks is the Easter holidays, then the week after that we are having a leaders meeting to plan more exciting things for next term)!! So make sure you cram in as much pathfindery fun as possible tonight.
Friday Pathfinders (older)
Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA
There is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this week, but it is an All Age Worship and the youth band are leading! Plus some dodgy youthworker is leading the service so it might be best to avoid this week.
Soul Survivor
THANK YOU to everyone who sponsored us for the run. We had some first time runners with us, and for lots of people it was the furthest they had every run! Everyone did amazingly and we really appreciate your sponsorship. If anyone would still like to sponsor us, please get in touch.
Bonus Round...
This will be the last blog for a couple of weeks, so enjoy Easter and take a look some of the photos from this term:
If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:
Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

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