28th April - 5th May

Coming up next week... We are already coming into week 2 of our 5 week term. Time is moving faster that Usain Bolt on a suped-up travelator. Here is what is coming up next week... Cell Groups After having cell groups on a week we don't normally have them, we are now not having cell group next week (a week when we would normally have them). This isn't just to be confusing. Next Monday is a Bank Holiday Monday, so we are taking the opportunity to have some cell leaders training next week and as a reward to cell leaders for being trained, we are giving them a well earned week off. Last week there were a good number of human pyramids made in cell groups, with varying degrees of success... Thank you to all the parents who came along to yesterday's cell parents meeting and gave excellent feedback. If you weren't able to come along but would like to know what we discussed, get in touch and I w...