12th - 18th December

Coming up this week... Merry Christmas to all and to all a good week... this is the last proper blog of the year (there will be another next week, but it will mostly be pictures of the cell social). Here is what is coming up in the next week... Cell Groups Next week there are no cell groups :(. But that is because we are having our joint Christmas Social!! Its an evening full of dressing up in fancy clothes, eating pizza and and playing games. What's not to love?! (unless you don't like fun, in which case you will hate it) If you haven't handed in you need to as soon as you can. If we don't know you are coming, you will be allowed in, but you won't be allowed any of the delicious, delicious Domino's. If you haven't had an invite, print this picture off and give it to me with a £5er Friday Pathfinders (younger) Today (9th) is the last Pathfinders before Christmas, so make sure you are weari...