4th - 10th July

Coming up this week...
Sorry for the lateness of this weeks blog - things are getting busy with the end of term coming up! But the good news is - Aidan's back! Here's what's going on...

Cell Groups
This is the last week of Cell Groups :( but next week (14th July) we are having our summer social 19:00 - 21:00 at the Ferriers for a BBQ and Water fight!

Friday Pathfinders
This Friday is the last Friday Pathfinders of Term :( we are meeting at the Pavillion for a BBQ and water fight (you may notice a theme!)

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week with Lisa and myself - we will be continuing to look at Hebrews. There is no CYFA this week but if you're around we are on coffee duty at Church. Next week (17th) we will be having an end of term breakfast and celebration!

Soul Survivor
We are in need of a driver (or two) to get us to Soul Survivor we need someone who can drive a 17 seater minibus (you need to have a D1 on your licence - if you are over 35 you probably have one!) we are going on 19th August and coming back on 24th - if you can only do one journey that's fine!

Holiday Club
We are going to be having a set building evening on Monday 18th July in the Church Hall. Food will be provided and everyone is welcome - you don't have to be a great artist to come along!


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