18th - 24th July 2016
Coming up this week... We hope that everyone enjoyed the Cell Celebration last Thursday. Here's what's happening this week... Craft Evening This Monday, we are doing a craft evening in preparation for cave quest! This will be held from 7.00 - 9.00 PM at the church hall. The materials will be provided for the creation of stalactites and stalagmites and other decorations for the inspiration of the young people whom will be attending the Holiday Club. Refreshments will be provided by the Holiday Club team (including pizza). Soul Survivor We will be heading off to Soul Survivor in just 1 month from now! We are meeting on 26th July for a bring and share lunch and to build our Ark! Lost Property Over the year I have collected various bits of unclaimed stuff below are pictures of what I have - if it is yours please arrange to pick it up or it will be taken to a charity shop! This is the last blog of the academic yea...