6th to 12th June

Coming up this week...
I hope everyone had a great half term - here's what's happening this week...

Cell Groups
Cell groups aren't on this week unless your cell leader has told you otherwise as we have a cell leaders training event. They will be back on as usual next week. Also the new year 6 Cell group will be starting next Monday from 7:15 - 8:30. If you're interested in finding out more send me a message!

Friday Pathfinders
This Friday younger Pathfinders are going to be doing wide games down at the playing field. Older Pathfinders are going to be doing 'incredible games' run by Olly and Jo which should be good fun (but might be a bit messy)

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week run by Simon and Lisa continuing the series on Hebrews. CYFA are on coffee duty!


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