18th - 24th June

Coming up this week...
Sorry the blog's late this week I've had quite a manic weekend in Copenhagen! Here's what's happening.

Cell Groups
Cell groups will be continuing to look at mission this week in the lead up to our 24 hour sponsored challenge this weekend. We are going to be building ourselves slums to live in and undertake various challenges to see what it would be like to live in someone else's shoes. If you would like more information or would like to sponsor us please contact me!

Friday Pathfinders
It's inflatables week!!!!!!! This week we have a bungee run and sumo suits as well as a cafe to buy some snacks. We are also welcoming the year 6s to Pathfinders. Please remember to bring your consent forms.

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week run by myself and Olly we will be continuing our series on Hebrews - CYFA isn't on this Sunday but will be on on 3rd July where we will be looking at homosexuality (we actually will this time!)

Soul Survivor
We have a chance to fundraise for Soul Survivor. Next weekend (2nd July) Team Man will once again be helping at Carnival with setting up, clearing up, litter picking, and money running. If you can help please get in touch! 

We are also in need of a driver (or two) to get us to Soul Survivor we need someone who can drive a 17 seater minibus (you need to have a D1 on your licence - if you are over 35 you probably have one!) we are going on 19th August and coming back on 24th - if you can only do one journey that's fine!

New Youth Worker!
We can now officially announce the new youth worker! From September this guy will be taking over!


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