18th to the 24th of April 2016

What we are doing...

We hope everyone has had a great Easter holiday! Here's what we will be doing this week...

Cell Groups

Cell will be back on this week. Most groups will be having a social. We also have a Cell Celebration coming up on 8th May so put the date in your diaries.

Friday Pathfinders

Younger Pathfinders will be back on this week with some classic Pathfinders games to start off the new term. 

Older Pathfinders will not be on because there is an event happening at St Aldate's Church in Oxford from 19:30 - 21:30 for anyone in school years 9-13. It's basically a big meeting with Young people from all over Oxfordshire coming together to worship God. They will be asking for a suggested donation of £1 - which includes a pot of G&Ds ice cream!

If you've never been to G&Ds you should really go!!!

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA

Neither Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA will be on this Sunday as someone from Adventure+ will be coming to preach in church! 

This picture has nothing to do with CYFA
but is what happens if you steal my phone to take selfies!

Summer Holiday Camp

There is a holiday camp that is being run from the 6th to the 13th of August where they do adventurous activities alongside Bible teaching and more. Chris and Elaine Sugden have said that they would be willing to give lift to people. If you would like to find out more about this, please speak to Chris Sugden.


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