23rd to the 29th of November 2015

Coming up this week...
Here's what we'll be doing this week...

Cell Groups
Most groups will have finished the prayer course last week and will be beginning to look at advent and Christmas!
A reminder that the Christmas Social is fast approaching, so if you want to attend you need to fill in the letters that were handed out last week by the 11th of December!

Friday Pathfinders
At both Younger and Older Pathfinders we will be doing dark games!

CYFA/Sunday Pathfinders
CYFA will be staying in church this week, while Sunday Pathfinders will be running the Children's Slot in the service before going to Pathfinders to start thinking about Christmas!

Youth Weekend Away/ Soul Survivor
The Youth Weekend Away and Soul Survivor letters were handed out last week. If you want to attend, you need to hand in the forms and the deposit by the 11th of December! If you need a letter let me know!


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