This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week...

This is the final blog of the summer! I hope everyone has a lovely summer. Here's whats happening between now and September!

The new year 6 cell group

Cell Groups

On Thursday we are having our end of year Cell Social at the Ferriers at 7:00. We'll be having our usual water fight and BBQ. Cell groups will start back the week beginning 7th September. There may be a few changes of leaders/times/venues but I will try to keep everyone updated with this!

Jo with the body of Christ...

Soul Survivor

Tomorrow we are having a meeting at 3:15 in the Church Hall to discuss the final detail for Soul Survivor. We will then be leaving on 21st August and returning on 26th!

I really need new Soul Survivor photos!

Other things...

We have another baptism coming up - Frank is getting baptised on 30th August at Cassington Mill so please come along and support her. Groups will all be starting back the second week of September.


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