This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week...

I hope everyone enjoyed the sun last week! We are now very close to the summer holidays so here is what's happening this week...

Baptisms in Hanborough on Sunday

Friday Pathfinders

This Friday is the last Pathfinders of term! This means we are heading to the pavilion for a BBQ and water fight! Both Older and Younger pathfinders are starting at 6:30 this week and finishing at 8:00. This is always really good fun but wear clothes you don't mind getting wet!

Cell Groups

This is the last week of Cell groups this year :-( but next week we are having our end of year joint Cell social. It's on Thursday 16th July from 7:00 - 8:30 at the Ferriers. We will be having a BBQ and a water fight as well as playing some other games.

Sunday Pathfinders/ CYFA

This week we are going on a trip to Christ Church, Oxford. We are going to go to a service at the chapel and then have a picnic lunch and play some games in Christ Church Meadows. If you haven't been given a letter please get in touch!
Last Years Trip!

Soul Survivor

Next Wednesday (15th) we are having a meeting at the Church Hall at 3:15 to sort out the final things for Soul Survivor. Thanks to everyone who has helped us in our fundraising this year!


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