This week in St Leonards Youth...

Coming up this week...
Here's what's over the next couple of weeks. There won't be a blog next week as it's half term and there are no groups!

Cell Groups
There are no cell groups this week as we are having a training session for the cell group leaders. There also won't be any cell groups next week :-( as it's half term :-)
Joint year 10 Cell social!

Friday Pathfinders
This week at Friday Pathfinders we are going on a trip to the Bowlplex in Oxford. Both groups will be at their usual times just in Oxford instead of Eynsham! The week after half term we are having our annual inflatables night so if you don't have consent forms for these two events make sure you pick them up!

Last Years inflatables night

Sunday Pathfinders/ CYFA

This Sunday is an All Age Worship so there won't be CYFA or Pathfinders. However we are on coffee duty so please still come! The following week Pathfinders is going to be a bit different. We will be meeting at the Hogans house at the start of church (10:45) where we will be having breakfast together and reading a whole chunk of the Bible in one go.


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