This week in St Leonard's Youth...

Coming up this week...

Thanks to everyone who came to the Cell Celebration yesterday - and a big thanks to all the cell groups for running it! Here is what's coming up this week...

Cell Groups

Cell groups are running this week as usual however next week there won't be any cell groups as all the leaders are getting some training instead! If you are in year 10 we are doing a special joint cell this week - pizza and games in Long Hanborough.

Friday Pathfinders

We are playing wide games this week so come in clothes you don't mind getting muddy (and if like me you are always cold dress up warm)

Sunday Pathfinders/ CYFA

CYFA is on this week (9:00 for breakfast at the Page's) we are carrying on looking at Marks gospel and will be talking about demons.

At Sunday Pathfinders Lisa and Jo will be looking at trust.

Soul Survivor

There is still time to book on to Soul Survivor if you would like to come so please let me know ASAP!


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