This week in St. Leonard's Youth........

Coming up this week... 

We are BACK baby!! I hope you have all had a lovely half term. The half term break is now over and St. Leonard's youth is back and operational. Here is what is coming up this week...

All Cell Groups are starting back this week. For most Cell Groups, this first session will be a social but some groups will be getting stuck in with some deeper stuff straight away. 

Friday Pathfinders...
Before half term we had two very exciting session with lights, lazers and smoke! Younger Pathfinders was Never Mind the Buzzcocks Night which, if you have never watched the TV show, is a fast paced music based quiz: 

This week at Youngers we will be doing a Hollywood night, and its going to be fabulous darling!  

For Older Pathfinders last week we went for a straight up DISCO, raving to music of varying quality from different people phones: 

This week, for Older Pathfinders, we will be running our very own Thirsty Meeples night, with a cafe and HUNDREDS of amazing board games to choose from. 

CYFA & Sunday Pathfinders
At Church this week we have an AMAZING man called Vladimir coming to talk to us about the work his fantastic charity does in Moldova to help lead the fight against human traffiking. 

Because he is coming, CYFA will be staying in church instead of going out as normal. 

Pathfinders will be going out as normal and looking at the topic of "The Power of the Gospel". 
I couldn't find a photo that linked to CYFA or Pathfinders this week, but I thought everyone might enjoy this photo of Paddy doing an impression of a really big potato. 

In other news...
Even though there we no groups on last week, that doesn't mean that our youth workers were slacking. And while we were busy beavering away in the office we had a lovely intruder  visitor come to see us, which was nice :-) 

For those of you that don't know, the blonde girl trapped outside is Sarah, who did a youth work internship with us at St. Leonard's last year.


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