This week in St. Leonards Youth......

Coming up this week... 

This month seems to be going super quickly! I can't believe we are nearly at the end of it. Here is what is happening this week...

This week is our first week of looking at 'Big Questions' and we will be exploring the topic of science and religion. Are they the same thing? Are they anti each other? Is there any point talking about any of this? All that and more to look forward to at cell. We looked at new year last week, so this week we will also be putting together time capsules with the beautiful selfies we took last week. Hopefully then next year we will be able to open them and see how young we all looked and be embarrassed  by our poses. 
Exhibit A
Next week the cell leaders are having a training session so normal cell sessions will be cancelled.

Friday Pathfinders...
This week the younger pathfinders will be taking part in "I'm a Pathfinder Get Me Out Of Here!" so come in clothes you are prepared to get dirty!

For Older Friday Pathfinders this week we will be doing our very own version of Never Mind the Buzzcocks so you should all brush up on your music knowledge!

At Older Pathfinders people are expected to climb round a table without touching the floor (I'm not quite sure why!)

CYFA & Sunday Pathfinders
Once again there is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this week :( but the good news is that we are having a speaker in Church from Adventure Plus, A Christian Charity which runs Outdoor activities for young people so please come along!

You may recognise some of these people on an Adventure Plus camp!

Soul Survivor
The price for Soul Survivor goes up at the end of the month so if you want to come you absolutely need to get your form in this week! otherwise we will have to charge you more for a place. We are also having our first fundraising meeting next Tuesday so please come with lots of ideas!

Youth Weekend Away
We literally now have only one more place to squeezed someone in at the weekend away. So if you want to come along you really need to get your forms into Olly or Beth. The first person to hand in the forms will get the place and everyone else will go on a waiting list. The waiting list people will get first dibs if someone else pulls out or if we can find a way to possibly get more people in! 


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