Happy New Year!! :-)

That went quickly... 

Well, that is the school holidays over and done with. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and an exciting New Year. This isn't a normal update blog, as there isn't too much happening this week, but I wanted to put out a blog, just to keep you all in the loop.

As is our normal procedure there are no groups meeting this week because there has not been a full week back at school. We will be using this time to have our leaders meetings and make sure that we are ready and raring to go with the next term. 

Olly and Beth are also back in the office so if you want to come in and say hi, or want to know anything else about the youth work then please feel free to get in touch. 

Last terms news letter... 
I have also sent out an update news letter for last term. If you want to you can read it here: 

January news letter

If you follow that link, in the top left hand corner there is also a button to subscribe to the termly news letter, if you want to receive them regularly.

Apparently tomorrow is the day you are suppose to take down your Christmas tree :-(. This is what happened when my wife and I took down ours:    


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