Happy Easter to you all :)

Hello again. First of all I need to apologise for not blogging in so long! I had written one for February but for some reason, didn't publish it. You can be transported back in time and read about what we got up to in February in the previous post before this one. 

The beginning of March saw the epic trip to Viney Hill for the Youth Weekend Away. We had 39 young people, 9 leaders, 4 cooking staff, 3 mini-buses and a partridge in a pear tree (I lied about that bit - there were no birds. Or trees.) It was SO MUCH fun! We arrived on the Friday night, set up our stuff, unpacked, had hot chocolate, played games, and eventually went to bed. Saturday saw some team challenges, an afternoon of activities (caving, raft building, or crate stacking and a low ropes course), a night hike and of course a camp fire. Then on Sunday we had a church service (after a delicious cooked breakfast), packing, loading up mini buses, a couple more rounds of tray bash, some creme egg eating and then the journey home. I think everyone agreed that it was fantastic. The young people threw themselves into the activities and it was great to see them working together. There was also an atmosphere of being like a family with everybody looking out for everybody else, times for praying together and loads of encouragement. I think I'm right in saying we spent the next week catching up on sleep!! 

We have had project night this term with the younger Pathfinders for 3 weeks. We gave the young people 4 options to choose from; knitting, magic, filming or woodwork. Everybody seemed to enjoy learning a new skill and what was produced was excellent. 

On 28th March we held an introduction to Christianity evening. This replaced ordinary Pathfinders sessions but we opened it up to everybody who would normally attend. About 20 young people came, which was great! It was an opportunity for us to tell them about the basic message of Christianity, the Pathfinders leaders to share testimonies, answer some of the questions the young people had, and have some discussion. It seemed to go really well and there has been encouraging feedback. 

We are about to finish for the Easter holidays, but it would be great if you could continue praying for the youth work here at St Leonards. Some specific requests would be:
- the finances
- fundraising for Soul Survivor 
- the next term as it can be extremely busy with exams coming up and the end of the school year approaching
- a potential future mission trip to Moldova, which is very exciting! 

Thank you for your continued support. I'm now going to publish this blog while I remember! Have a lovely Easter. 


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