An extremely late February post...

Hellooooo. I can't believe how much time has passed since the last blog. 

Olly, Jo, Beth and I went on retreat a couple of weekends ago to Center Parcs in Sherwood Forest where Soul Survivor were holding their annual SoulNet retreat for youth workers. It was a fantastic weekend with lots of interesting talks and plenty of time to just worship and be with God. We all felt refreshed coming back, although not much sleeping happened with all the "enforced fun" that Olly insisted on!! It was a lot of fun though, especially playing Pigeon Ball in the pool, going round and round the rapids and spending Monday afternoon in the spa relaxing. Again, we felt that God had things to say to us and were all struck again by his power and what he can do if we have faith! 

This term we have lots coming up within the youth work, as always. There is the youth celebration service this Sunday, the 16th February, at 6pm. Following the success of the last one, we're all looking forward to seeing what the young people can put together this time and having some time to worship and respond to God. 

The youth weekend away is also creeping ever closer. In just two weeks we will be at Viney Hill with a group of around 40 young people. We're praying that the weather will pick up before then, but no doubt a bit of rain will not dampen our spirits, we might just have to light the camp fire inside (I'm kidding!) 

The fundraising for Soul Survivor is going really well. So far we have had a promise auction and a couple of cake sales as well as starting our epic sponsored swim! If you are interested in donating or sponsoring us, or if you would like to come to Soul Survivor, do get in touch: or call Olly on 07885914033. 

If you would like to find out more about the youth work that's happening in Eynsham visit our website: or pop into the church office/give us a call and we're always happy to have a chat! 

That's all from us for now. Stay safe and dry!


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