10th -16th April

Coming up next week... 
As it looks like we might be heading into an extended lockdown, I must say I am getting used to working from home, but I would much prefer to be seeing everybody face to face. But for now, keep going. If anybody needs anything or just wants a chat, please do get in touch with Olly and I as we always want to hear from you. We have a couple of exciting challenges coming up this week so do read on to find out.

(Oh and by the way Happy Easter!!)

Cell Groups
Most cell groups are continuing this week and are still focussed on the encountering God plans. 

Each call can last up to 40 minutes, so during that time we will discuss a bible passage or some questions, pray together and maybe even play a few games. To download please click here.

Due to doing things online now, we might be looking to alter some of the times of cell groups, each cell will be individually contacted either through your group chat, or through your parents via email!

Friday Pathfinders 
Will be canceled until further notice... however both Steven and I will be available to chat or give you creative one player game ideas using the contact details below!! Genuinely do get in touch on a Friday night if you are bored... we probably will be too. 

Sunday Pathfinders 
There is no Sunday Pathfinders this week, please do try and engage with the Sunday service which has been produced and will be released at 10:30 on Sunday morning. 

There is no CYFA this week, but we will be back next week with a video for you to watch before discussing together on Discord. Similar to Sunday Pathfinders, please engage with the material produced by the church. 

The Sunday service can be found here. There is also a fantastic meditation video and Good Friday reflection video also on the website. 

New Challenges 
On Monday 13th April we are starting two new challenges. First a bible reading challenge, to read the Old Testament by the 31st of December and to read the New Testament by the 1st September. You can choose to join in with one or both Testaments or neither if you don't want too! No pressure

We are also setting a daily challenge, where you guys can send in a photo or a video of you completing the challenge. You can earn points, and remember points win prizes. All the information for this has come out in an email to your parents or is on the new instagram called @stleonardslockdown . If you do not have instagram but wish to take part, we have also created a new blog just for these challenges and you can find that through the link below.


Spring Harvest Home
Next week was meant to be Spring Harvest annual conference at Butlins. For those who haven't heard of it, its pretty similar to Soul Survivor just for families instead of just youth. They have produced material for all ages, and this will be running from Monday to Friday next week. They have some great speakers lined up, so if you want some extra christian content next week, please use it. Just go onto Spring Harvest's website for more information

If you need to contact us about anything, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):
Phone: 07539 747237 (Olly)
Phone: 07843 173751 (Dobbo)
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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