September 16-22

Coming up next week... 
Blog on a Monday? Do you like it? Well its happening.  A new school year means a new start and this year we will be sending out our blog on a Monday afternoon. It will have all the same content and all the same jokes just published at a different time. In this weeks blog, there is some very important information regarding all the Youthwork but especially Friday Pathfinders and consent forms. Please read on to find out more

Cell Groups
Cell groups have all met once now and enjoyed a social, and this week we are starting a new series called Storylines. Year 7 cell has now changed venue. The timings for Cell Groups are as follows

Year 7 - Tuesday 5:30 - 6:30 
Year 8 - Monday 7:30 - 8:45 
Year 9 - Monday 7:00 - 8:15
Year 10 - Thursday 7:30 - 9:00
Year 11 - Monday 5:30 - 6:45
Year 12 - Friday 5:00 - 6:15
Year 13+ - Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00 (Olly will notify members of any change)

Younger Pathfinders

Friday Pathfinders is back! This week (20th September) come prepared for a "chilly evening" as we play ice breaker games. This will be a great way to find out what pathfinders is all about and get to know the other people who come! Next week (27th September) is taskmaster night and has a special guest leader!

Older Pathfinders

Older Pathfinders are also back this week (20th September) and you are in for a classic night of games. Round the table, table tennis and so much more will be on offer. The following week (27th September) we are having a birthday party for Naomi McCobb. We will be playing some of her favourite games and having her favourite snacks. 

We have introduced a payment scheme for Friday Pathfinders for this coming term, I have sent everybody who was involved in our Youthwork last year an email detailing what this will consist of, if you haven't received this email please let me know and I can send this to you!

Sunday Pathfinders

There is no Sunday Pathfinders this week as it is an all in service.


There is no CYFA this Sunday as it is an all in service

Consent forms

It is important for everybody who is attending our Youthwork to have a completed consent form. If you are U18, a parent needs to complete the consent form. Please use this Link

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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