July 5th - 12th

Coming up next week... 
Sun's out, read the blog (as the old saying goes). We are edging ever closer to the summer holidays, but we have got a lot to pack in before then! There is a film night, a trip to Wet n' Wild, cell group socials and a bit of Carnival based fund raising! This weeks blog also comes with a complimentary vlog for those of a more vlog like persuasion. You can get to it by clicking here. Let us know what you think and if they work better for a few people we might keep them up...

Cell Groups
This week, with the exception of year 12-13 cell (who will be having a CAP session on how to manage money when away from home) all cells will be having an individual social. It will be up to each cell to organise what they do but it will probably contain some sort of food and games. This will be in preparation for next weeks Joint Cell Summer Social EXTRAVAGANZA (more on that next week).

Year 9 cell will be planning their social time tonight with the group. It will very likely be starting a bit earlier (6.30-9.00) and will almost definitely involved food! 

If you love a bit of flower arranging (and lets face it, who doesn't) then please could you come along to St. L's church this Friday (5th) either at 2.30 (for those who are chilling after exams) or straight after school for those who still have school. It will be fun, I promise. 

Younger and Older Friday Pathfinders
This Friday's Friday Pathfinders (5th) is a Joint Movie Night! We will be starting at 6.30pm and finishing at 8.30pm. Please feel free to bring any DVD you think is worth a watch. This will be whittled down to a choice of 3 and the group will get a vote. My vote is for a Marvel film... 

Next week (12th) we are going to Oxford Wet n Wild. If you haven't got your forms in the deadline is Sunday (7th), so make your you fill out the consent form and pay by then! You can download the form here

Please find the term rota Here

Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA 
There is no Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA this week as its Carnival Sunday

Soul Survivor 

Its our biggest SS fundraiser of the year on Saturday; helping at the carnival. If you have already signed up to help then that is brilliant. If you want to but haven't let us know, then please lets us know by tomorrow at the latest. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place. But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these (we will try to respond within 48 hours):

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Email: s.dobsonyouth@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham


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