11th - 18th July

Coming up next week... Hello everybody. A year ago today, football should have been coming home, today its time to get excited about the cricket. This could be our year!!! But if that doesn't excite you enough, this week we have a trip to Wet N Wild and our famous cell social barbecue. Read on to find out more! Or watch here, if you are more of the video sort: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITS4B5pC6wM&t=27s Cell Groups This week all the cell groups will be meeting at the Ferrier's house on Thursday 18th July at 6:30pm - 8:45pm. All cell groups are welcome from year 6 to year 13 and come prepared to get wet. We will play games together, eat off the barbecue, have a reflection and then have a water fight. It is always a fantastic evening so do come along. Younger and Older Friday Pathfinders This week both younger and older pathfinders going to Oxford Wet N Wild, a giant inflatable on a reservoir. I a...