2nd - 9th March

Coming up next week... 
Hello all, I hope you've now gotten back into the swing of things, we continue the busy schedule with cell and pathfinders. This week the younger group will be enjoying a thirsty meeples night, whilst the older group will be facing a workout in the killer frisbee session. 

Cell Groups 
Next week in cell groups: 

Year 7, 8, 10 and 11 cells: These groups will be focused on gender this week. 

Year 9 cells: We will be looking at sexism in the Bible.

Year 12-13 cells: will be carrying on with our course on evangelism, remember to watch those videos... ideally you will have watched at least 3 more by next week. You can find the videos here.

Reminder: Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Thursday (8th March) next week at 7.15 - 8.30pm.

Friday Pathfinders (Younger)
Tonight (2nd March) will be Thirsty Meeples night! This means an opportunity to competitively over react playing some classic board games with your friends, we will have snacks and a lot of board game fun ready! 

Next week (9th March) will be our Easter egg hunt around the village, be sure to wrap up warm... At least the eggs won't melt!

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
Tonight (2nd March) there has been a change of plan due to the amount of effort going into the murder mystery, so this week will be the equally dramatic 'Killer frisbee night'. A night to have the hospital on hold and invest in a fancy first aid kit... But it will be fun, see you there!

Next week (9th March) will be the murder mystery, it's going to be a good one, don't miss it! Be sure to let us know if you want to be involved! 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday (4th March) pathfinders will be being lead by Simon and Jake. It will be based on how following Jesus can lead us to the glory of eternal life.

CYFA is on this week! Being led by Claire and Olly 

Bishops Youth Forum 

Thank you to all that came to the youth forum on saturday! It was a really good day, despite the burgers not being as big as below (Although some took this problem into their own hands... Robert two burgers) and hopefully it will be of great use to the Bishy Steve! If you want to take a look at his blog and check out his answers to the questions that were asked have a look on the link below:

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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