Feb 23rd - 2nd March

Coming up next week... 
I hope everyone has had a brilliant week back after half term. Cell groups have been back in full flow and Friday Pathfinders starts back tonight with some good old fashioned japan based fun for the elderly (read below to find out more). 

Cell Groups 
Next week in cell groups: 

Year 7-11 cells will be looking at the question, 'is the bible sexist'? Come prepared for a good discussion. 

Year 12-13 cells will be carrying on with our course on evangelism, remember to watch those videos... ideally you will have watched at least 3 by next week. You can find the videos here.

Reminder: Year 10 Cell will be meeting on Wednesday (28th Feb) next week at 8.15pm - 9.30pm.

Friday Pathfinders (Younger)
Tonight (23rd Feb) its Japan night. After the success of Canada night we have been scouring the globe for other countries to inspire a night of games and ridiculousness and something about Japan just really hit the mark. Come ready to try out something new and learn a whole host of new words in the process. 

Next week (2nd March) will be 'Thirsty Meeples' night. Its a lot like café night but with more board games! 

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
Tonight (23rd Feb) true to the 'older' name we are having an old people night. There will be humbugs, tea and rich tea biscuits as well as a spot of gardening (amongst other things). Paddy Hogan, I'm sad to say you may be missing out again on your longed for exercise regime. 

Next week (2nd March) will be our much anticipated annual murder mystery night. Keep an eye out for a message from Jake McCobb with your part to play and if you haven't received one soon, make sure he knows you want to play! 

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday (25th Feb) pathfinders will be being lead by Olly and Ruth and will be all about Jesus' Mission (queue mission impossible theme tune). 

There is no CYFA next week 

Bishops Youth Forum 

As you will hopefully be aware, the Bishop of Oxford is have a youth forum tomorrow (Saturday 24th Feb) to share his vision for our area and to hear back from young people what the wider church can do better to support them. Plus there is a free lunch! 

Never being ones to pass up that kind of opportunity, a group about 20 of us are getting the bus into Oxford to go and take part. Take a look at this letter to remind yourself of the info. If you haven't heard about this and would like to tag along, please get in touch ASAP.

*Disclaimer, the burgers we receive may not actually be this size.

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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