8th - 15th December

Coming up next week... 
Below are a whole host of things that you don't want to miss out on including: Cell Christmas Social, A Friday Pathfinders walk into Oxford, last chance for the Weekend Away and a cake stall to raise money for Soul Survivor. Read on to find out more...  
Cell Groups 
Next week (on Wednesday 13th December) is our CELL CHRISTMAS SOCIAL!! If you haven't been before, it is a really great time where all the Cell Groups get together, dressed to the nines, in a decked out church to eat Domino's, play games, and see in the new Cell Group year. 

If you haven't booked a ticket yet, please can you do that now (right now, nope, stop reading and start booking) because we have to order the pizza in advance for you and set out the church. 

You can book tickets by clicking here: 

Book my ticket for the best event of 2017 

Best cell session ever! 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
Tonight (8th December) we are having our Friday Pathfinders Christmas Special, complete with tinsel, mince pies, shouting carols at each other and wrapping people up like presents.

Next week (15th December) we are merging with the older group and going on a NIGHT HIKE. If you want to come, we need your permission slip tonight, so make sure you bring it with you. If you don't know anything about it, you can have a look at the letter here: 

Information about the Friday Pathfinders Walk of the Year

Friday Pathfinders (older)
Tonight (8th Dec), it's Violent Games... I'll just leave it there really.

Next week (15th December) we are merging with the younger group and going on a NIGHT HIKE. If you want to come, we need your permission slip tonight, so make sure you bring it with you. If you don't know anything about it, you can have a look at the letter here: 

Information about the Friday Pathfinders Walk of the Year

Sunday Pathfinders
Sunday Pathfinders is on this week (in our new location of the Middleton's house). It's being led by Jennifer and Angela and will be looking at Isiah 9. 

There is no CYFA this week, but we are on coffee so if you can make sure you are around at the back of church to help, that would be lovely. 

This Saturday (9th December) there is a Coffee Morning in the Church Hall from 10am till 12 noon. We are going to be selling some cakes and helping out as a fund raiser from Soul Survivor. People who are helping, you know who you are but everyone else, please can you come and buy lots of cakes!!!  

Youth Weekend Away!
The deadline to get your forms in for the Youth Weekend Away is has now passed! Since I am a Christian I will forgive you for missing it (this time and 77x7 other times) but you need to get them in ASAP to make sure you don't miss out! 

You can get the forms form here

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com
Facebook page: @stleonardsyoutheynsham



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