3rd -9th October

Coming up this week... 

I can't believe it's October already! I hope everyone is looking forward to some good old fashioned chilly British weather. Here is a list of what is coming up and some other useful things you need to know...

Cell Groups 
This week at cells Year 7 + 8 + 11 will be looking at 'What is Church?', Year 10 Cell will be looking at 'Why did Jesus Die?', Year 9 will be looking at 'Prayer' again and Year 12 + 13 will be looking at 'Identity and Confidence'.  

Date for the diary: our termly Cell Celebration is coming up on Sunday 16th October and will be held in the church hall, so next week all the cell groups will be planning their contribution to it as part of their cell. 

Friday Pathfinders (younger)
I don't know about everyone else, but I loved playing 'Pokemon Go' last week and all the teams did an amazing job of hunting down our real life Pokemon. 

This week we are going all retro and taking part in one other greatest gameshows to ever hit 90's television! It was called 'Incredible Games' and it was amazing, and we are doing our very own version of it as a tribute. Complete with giant vegetable soup and the terrifying Dark Knight! 

If you want a little taster, take a look a this gem of a theme tune

Don't forget your Consent form!

Friday Pathfinders (Older)
After getting everything sorted last week, we now have a plan! A proper one and everything, and we will even have term cards!! Try to contain your excitement, and if you can't, try not to take it out on anyone else. I suggest taking a trip to your nearest field and doing a little whoop and a dance. 

This week we will be playing some classic games. Feel free to post any suggestions on the FB group. 

Don't forget your Consent form!

Friday Pathfinders FreeDog Trip (Older and Younger)
If you were at Pathfinders last week you will have found out that we are taking a trip to FreeDog the week before half term. 

The forms that went out last out last week were actually a bit wrong, in that they forgot to say how much the trip was going to cost. Including transport it will actually cost £12 and we recommend that people bring at least £5 for something to eat while we are there. We never want to exclude anyone for cost reasons so if that will be a problem, please let us know. 

We may be limited for spaces and in that case tickets will be given on a first come first served basis so make sure you get your money and consent forms in as soon as possible. 

You can download the FreeDog trip consent form from here

Sunday Pathfinders
This week Sunday Pathfinders will be lead by Olly and Aidan and we will be looking at 2 Timothy: 3.  

There is no CYFA this week.  

Youth Band
This week the younger band is meeting a the same time as normal (7.00-8.30pm) but we are having it at the Hogan's house (thanks Hogan's, we love you) and looking at what it means to lead worship. 

The older youth band will be meeting at the Harrington's (thanks Harrington's, we love you as well) and having an awesome prayer session. 

If you want to know what is happening week-to-week in the youth work, you are already in the right place (well done you). But, if you need to contact us about anything else, feel free to get in touch using these:

Phone: 07539747237
Email: youth.stleonards@gmail.com

Consent forms!
No matter which group you are in, parents need to fill out one of these forms and make sure you get it to us as soon as possible. 

Consent form

Also a special mention to Steven Dobson. If you see him make sure to give him a hug 


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