16th - 22nd May

Coming up this week...
Sorry for the lack of blog recently you now have me (Beth) writing the blog again as Aidan is in South Africa for the next 6 weeks!! Here's what's happening at the moment!

Aidan picture from Table top Mountain!

Cell Groups
Cell groups are all on this week and next week as usual some of the cells will be delivering Christian Aid envelopes this week.

Friday Pathfinders
This Friday Younger Pathfinders is having a quiz so brush up on your general knowledge before you come! Older Pathfinders are going to be baking so be prepared for food poisoning!!

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA
Sunday Pathfinders this week is going to be led by Lisa and Myself continuing to look at Hebrews. CYFA won't be on again until 5th June.


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