1st to the 7th of February 2016

Coming up this week...

Here's what we'll be doing this week...

Cell Groups

This week, the Cell Groups will be planning their year groups section for the Cell Celebration. The Cell Celebration is this Sunday at 6PM to 8PM! Next week there won't be cell groups unless your cell group leaders tell you otherwise.

Friday Pathfinders

This week at Younger Pathfinders, we will be playing Catchphrase! While at Older Pathfinders we will be having another board games night (Thirsty Meeples)!

Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA

At Sunday Pathfinders, we will be looking at how the Kingdom of God is a growing kingdom. While CYFA will be looking at Reputation, Lies and Gossip, and Self Image!


There are still spaces available for people to join us on both the Youth Weekend Away and Soul Survivor! If you want to come along, get your forms in ASAP! If you need a form, speak to Beth or one of the Cell Group leaders.


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