22nd to the 28th of February 2016

Coming up this week... Hope everyone has enjoyed the half term! Here's what we'll be doing this week... Cell Groups Because there is Cell Leaders Training this Thursday, there will be no Cell Groups this week. Friday Pathfinders At Younger Pathfinders this week, we will be doing some DIY/Craft based activities! At Older Pathfinders, we will be playing some "Incredible games". Remember: If you take a "Selfie", it goes on the blog! Sunday Pathfinders/CYFA At Sunday Pathfinders, we will be looking at the 'Power to Heal'. There is no CYFA this week. Trips There are still spaces for both the Weekend Away and Soul Survivor. So if you want to go, get your forms in ASAP! The early booking prices for Soul Survivor has now passed, and the price for the trip is now £160 per person. It is just over 2 weeks until the Youth Weekend Away, so if you want to go but haven't handed in your forms, do so ASAP! ...