7th to the 13th December 2015

Coming up this week...Here's what we will be doing this week...

Cell Groups

This will be the last sessions of Cell before we all break up for Christmas, and we will be continuing to look at Advent! Be sure to bring along your 'Secret Santa' presents if your group has decided to do something like that!
Also, don't forget that the Cell Social is on the 17th and your forms need to be handed in by the 11th.

Year 7s playing Marco Polo

Friday Pathfinders 

At Friday Pathfinders, we will be having a Christmas themed evening for both the Older and the Younger session!

Blind Football at Older Pathfinders

CYFA/Sunday Pathfinders

This will be the last Sunday Pathfinders session before Christmas, and CYFA will not be on this week.

Cell Christmas Social


Remember to hand in your letter for the Youth Weekend Away, Soul Survivor and the Christmas Social, as well as the deposits for the former two, by the 11th.

From the Crate Stacking from the Youth Weekend Away last year!


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