5th to the 11th of October 2015

Coming up this week...

Sorry for the lack of blog updates last month, it has been a rather hectic start to the school term. Here's what we will be doing this week...

Cell Celebration

The first Cell Celebration of the year will be held this Sunday at the Church at 6PM! The year 12s have planned a talk on the diverse subject of 'Prayer', so do please come along! If you are in a Cell Group you should be doing some planning this week. As a reminder, there won't be any meetings for the Cell groups the week following the celebration.

Friday Pathfinders

Younger Pathfinders will be holding a 'Battle of the sexes'.

For Older Pathfinders we will be having another board games
night, better known as 'Thirsty Meeples'. Only this time we will be running a 'Cafe Night' along side it!

Sunday Pathfinders & CYFA

This week, we won't be running Sunday Pathfinders or CYFA due to the whole church gathering, where you can find out what's going on in the church and maybe meet some of the early birds who attend the 9 o'clock service. The service starts at 10AM.

In other news...

During the summer holidays, we took a group of 32 people to Soul Survivor. It was, as it always is, a fantastic experience, which you might well have heard about if you were in church on the 13th of September.

Last month the church held a 'farewell' service for Olly as he stepped down from his position as the youth leader. As a thank you for his time running the youth work, we decided to cover him with post it notes!

More recently, we gathered to celebrate Ruth's baptism, where friends and family gathered to support Ruth as she got dunked!

Finally, Aidan has now officially started his internship and will be taking a more direct role within the youth work.


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